TCBN has come to the end of its first Five-Year Strategic Plan and is ready to embark on the next phase of its journey! The story of the TCBN points in the direction of more and deeper work being required to ensure that the opportunities and benefits of upcoming economic growth projected for Toronto continue to be shared more equitably.

We thank our Board, membership and key stakeholders for their leadership and guidance over the past six months in helping to refine our mandate and shape our vision, mission, values, goals and objectives for 2022 to 2027.


We envision an equitable, thriving city where the full diversity of its residents contributes to and benefits from its growth and development.


Acknowledging systemic and structural inequities experienced by Black, Indigenous and People of Colour communities within the construction industry, the Toronto Community Benefits Network negotiates and facilitates systems change through the advancement of community benefits in policy and practice.

Given the massive investment of public and private funds in local construction, and the commitment of three levels of government to incorporate community benefits policies and agreements in these projects, TCBN provides guidance and expertise on best practices to all key stakeholders to ensure that the promise of community benefits agreements for equity deserving communities and for a more sustainable and inclusive local economy is fully realized.


  1. Support historically disadvantaged communities and equity deserving groups to build local power, to articulate and advance their vision for community benefits during the infrastructure planning and development phases, in areas such as workforce development, social procurement and neighbourhood and environmental improvements.
  2. Ensure community voice at the planning, decision making and oversight table, and clear commitments and accountability from all parties to deliver (implement, monitor, track, report and evaluate) the CBA.
  3. Establish and coordinate strategic partnerships with our members and key stakeholders to facilitate equity, diversity and inclusion of Black, Indigenous and Peoples of Colour into the workforce of the construction industry and its supply chain.

2022 to 2027 Strategic Goals

  1. Community Benefits Campaigns: Champion community residents experiences and leadership in determining goals and objectives for Community Benefits Agreements, during all phases of  development, whether public or private.
  2. Community Benefits Intermediary: Build, operate and maintain an online, data-driven  platform for a city-wide, coordinated community benefits employment pathway that enables construction unions and employers with commitments to community benefits agreements to recruit, onboard, retain, advance and track progress of local and diverse talent.
  3. Community Benefits Standards: Research and build awareness and consensus on best practices and local, provincial, and national standards for Community Benefits Agreements.