Janvier Kenmoe is a Business Representative of LiUNA Local 183. He is a certified Blueprint Reader. He has been a member of LiUNA Local 183 for over 20 years and a union organizer for over nine years and is a current member of the LiUNA African American Canadian Caucus (LAACC). On behalf of the LAACC, Janvier volunteers with the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists as well as with the Toronto Community Benefits Network, where he has supported a number of community based initiatives through fundraising and program development. He was a guest speaker with Ontario Works, Tropicana, Building up, Trade Linx as well as various high schools in the GTA, churches and African community organizations. As the Director, Skill Development & Apprenticeship with ANCHOR - African-Canadian Coalition against Hate, Oppression & Racism, Janvier advocates for better treatment of Black youth in the school system.