Advancing the City of Toronto's Community Benefits Framework

On Wednesday, the Toronto Community Benefits Network and partners deputed at the City of Toronto Executive Committee to make recommendations on improving the City’s Community Benefits Framework which was established in 2019.

While TCBN is encouraged by the details of the staff report, which outlines key actions steps for advancing the municipal Community Benefits framework, we are disappointed that the City Executive Committee failed to address our key recommendations to require bolder steps in the implementation of its Community Benefits Framework in response to the immediacy of the economic crisis facing Black, Indgenous and other racialized people in our City. 

With significant public funding expected towards new infrastructure like affordable housing, transit, healthcare and building retrofits, that will be expected to jump start our recovery,  bold steps are needed NOW from the City, to make sure these groups will benefit from the immediate economic opportunities in construction that governments are relying on to stimulate the economy. 

To accomplish this vision, we need Toronto City Council to adopt the following recommendations at next week’s City Council meeting on Feb 2nd and 3rd: 

  • adopt a 10% minimum hard target for equity hiring on all large scale capital projects
  • work with TCBN as a key strategic partner to support the negotiations, implementation, monitoring and evaluation functions of the City’s Community Benefits Framework

We need your support over the next week to engage your City Councillors and Mayor to ask them to support these recommendations to ensure that this framework includes measurable commitments to equity and inclusion and falls in line with the best practices achieved not only in other jurisdictions, but more importantly right here in Toronto within the past four years through the achievements of TCBN and its network members and partners. 

Executive Committee Meeting Update

Although TCBNs key recommendations were not adopted, the committee passed four motions. To review the Executive Committee motions passed at the meeting, you can visit here

  • Motion #1 (staff recommendation) - Progress update on Community Benefits Framework in Q3 2022
  • Motion #2 (amendment) - Aspire to increase City of Toronto diverse supplier list by 10% (focus on Black and Indigenous businesses) 
  • Motion #3  (amendment)  - Five year review of social procurement policy (2017-2021) and report back in Q3 2022 
  • Motion #4  (amendment) - City of Toronto explore working with TDSB Step to Construction program on Toronto’s publicly funded infrastructure project and consider a minimum hard target for equity seeking groups for hiring in construction across all large scale infrastructure projects. 

Missed the deputations on Wednesday? You can view all the deputations here: 

You can also view written submissions from some of network members and partners including: 

Thank you to all the TCBN network members, partners and supporters for taking action and making your voice heard. It is with the strength of our voice that we will continue to demand and win for equity, inclusion and justice.