Canadian Community Economic Development Network
Our members work to increase the number and quality of young practitioners entering CED, with the goal of building a national movement of youth who are passionate about the future of their communities. Read more>>
Immigrants & Refugees
One of our crowning achievements is the development of the Immigrant and Refugee Community Action Network(ICAN). ICAN is a CCEDNet national working group of immigrant and refugee CED practitioners and their allies. These people are working together to build bridges between immigrant communities and the mainstream CED community. Read more>>
Poverty Reduction
Poverty reduction is our number one priority. Essential to our work is the belief that communities need better policies to support local efforts to reduce poverty and homelessness. In this area you can find out about our recent Place-Based Poverty Reduction initiative and results of our work from the Pan-Canadian Community Development Learning Network project. Read more>>
The goal of CCEDNet's International Committee is to strengthen our international engagement in CED and the social economy, and to influence Canadian policy on international development. Read more>>
National Policy Work
CCEDNet's policy priorities are founded in building fairer and stronger local economies, tacking poverty and homelessness and investing in sustainable communities. Read more>>
CCEDNet has participated in documenting numerous success stories across the country which illustrate how wealth, jobs and community health have been fostered by CED initiatives. In 2006/2007, we completed several research projects including The Pan-Canadian Social Inclusion Project, profiles on Youth in CED and four international profiles on effective practice and partnership. Read more>>
Sector Strengthening
The mission of our Practitioner and Sector Strengthening Committee is to support and build capacity for CED practitioners in Canada. We seek to enhance the capacity and skills of the CED community by providing resources, best practices tools, learning events and professional development opportunities. Read more>>
For more information please visit at :
Toronto Office
116 Industry Street
Toronto, ON M6M 4L8
Tel: (416) 760-2577
Director of Engagement
Matthew Thompson
(416) 760-2577
mthompson at
Communications Coordinator
Tom Jakop
(416) 760-2578
tjakop at
Learning and Engagement Manager
Hannah Renglich
(416) 760-2554
h.renglich at