Rexdale Community Health Centre
A healthy and empowered community.
Our doors are open to support and advocate for the physical, economic, social and mental health and well-being of our diverse community. We work together with our community and partners to improve equitable access to quality care and services. In late 2016 and early 2017, the Board of the Rexdale CHC led a process to update our strategic plan. We engaged community members, partners, staff and the board in different facilitated activities designed to learn more about our strengths, opportunities to improve and where we should focus our resources during the next 3-years. We collected 100s of ideas and organized them into themes. It wasn’t easy to select our priorities but we did it keeping the needs of our community front and centre at all times. We also used this as an opportunity to make the wording more clear, and to make our goals specific and measurable. We invite you to join us as we work hard to achieve our ambitious plan. We’ll continue to check in with you as our plan moves into action.