The Urban Alliance on Race Relations continues its leadership role in the Good Jobs for All Coalition. Working with the labour movement along with various community groups and organizations, a Public Services for All Campaign was launched the in the summer of 2010. The campaign underscored the need for investment in social infrastructure. Through the empowering workers committee work was done to explore opportunities for sustainable jobs in a shifting labour market. The work of this committee focused on promoting good green jobs and the opportunity that a green economy holds for filling the labour market gap created by the loss of manufacturing jobs.
In July 2012, the Labour Council and the Urban Alliance on Race Relations have jointly convened meetings of key organizations that have been part of the long history of dealing with issues of youth violence and community safety to come up with a multi-sectoral approach to preventing and responding to violence in all its forms in the greater Toronto area. This includes collaboration with many community-based organizations interested in the acceleration of high impact, evidence-based interventions and measures that effectively address and bring to an end the underlying social conditions that give rise to systemic inequality in all its forms.